
How Do You Change The Theme Color On Google Slides

Pro presenters don't need a desktop app like PowerPoint or Keynote to create a great presentation. If y'all want advanced creative controls for colour, you tin can use Google Slides to create presentations. Acquire how to alter colors in Google Slides.

How to change Google Slides theme color How to change Google Slides theme color How to change Google Slides theme color
When you learn how to change the color of objects in Google Slides, you can customize a template to your liking.

Color says a lot in a presentation. It sets the mood and tone. Many presenters rely on color to represent their brand. Pro presenters need tools to easily adapt color options in Google Slides. That'southward what you'll learn in this tutorial.

Demand to acquire how to modify the color of a theme in Google Slides? Y'all've come to the right place. You'll learn key skills to change practically every part of your presentation. Let's learn how to modify the colors in Google Slides presentations.

In this tutorial, nosotros're going to characteristic colorful Google Slides themes. Yous'll see unlimited downloads of Google Slides templates from Envato Elements. Plus, outstanding pay-as-yous-go options from GraphicRiver. Both bring eye-catching colors to your presentation.

How Can You Utilise Colour to Tell Stories With a Google Slides Presentation?

Color is more than than a stylistic choice that you select at random. Pro presenters use colors to complement their content and match the mood of a presentation.

Hither are iii ways that color controls the presentation and how your audition perceives the presentation:

  • Color sets themood of a presentation.A bright red presentation brings energy to the room. Cool colors bring relaxation and a sense of at-home.
  • Color carries through the brandingthat y'all wish to represent. Many companies take designated colors that help stand for the brand image. That creates consistency while presenting.
  • Colorcomplements content.Choosing a color scheme that makes information technology easier to read the content increases the chance that the audience will hear, see, and sympathise the message.

In this tutorial, you'll become a principal of editing and changing colors in your Google Slides presentation. Learning how to change the color of themes in Google Slides gives you creative control to bring your vision to life. Let's learn how below.

But commencement, we'll take a wait at some other Google Slides tool: colour themes.

The Best Way to Piece of work With Custom Color Themes in Google Slides

Before we go in depth on how to change the color of a theme on Google Slides, let's take a close look at Google Slides themes.

EnterEnvato Elements. Information technology's an all-you-tin can-download library that creatives use to relieve time and coin while building projects. Best of all, it includes unlimited Google Slides themes with heart-catching colors.

Envato Elements custom Google Slides themes Envato Elements custom Google Slides themes Envato Elements custom Google Slides themes
Envato Elements gives you professional Google Slides templates. It's like shooting fish in a barrel to change the custom colour theme for each.

Not only does Elements give yous Google Slides themes, but yous'll also unlock extras similar stock photos and graphics. Information technology's all included for a single flat rate so that you'll never pause the bank while designing a presentation.

Learning how to change the color of a theme on Google Slides is a keen skill to add to your toolbelt. Information technology helps you work with custom Google Slides themes hands. Grab a template from Envato Elements, customize your colors, and you're ready to go!

Here are 3 templates from the deep Envato Elements library with rich colors that are sure to catch the eye:

1. Colors - Google Slides Template

Colors in Google Slides template Colors in Google Slides template Colors in Google Slides template

This creative Google Slides template feels like it was sourced straight from an art studio. It'south perfect for presenting any content thank you to colorful still minimalist slides that leave plenty of room for content. Try out the xxx slides in v color schemes for endless combinations of colorful content.

2. Colorful Dots Google Slides

Colorful Dots Google Slides Colorful Dots Google Slides Colorful Dots Google Slides

Yous've got 20 slide masters to cull from to quickly develop a colorful presentation. All-time of all, the well-documented and simple structure makes it like shooting fish in a barrel to edit the color themes. Apply this template in conjunction with this tutorial for a totally customized presentation.

3. Hoyoonk - Colorful Google Slide Presentation

Hoyoonk Colorful Google Slides presentation Hoyoonk Colorful Google Slides presentation Hoyoonk Colorful Google Slides presentation

Ifsomecolor is good, more color must be better, right? That's the lane that this incredibly bright and colorful chooses. It won't be the perfect choice foreverypresentation, but that isn't the purpose. Instead, it's a bold selection to stand out from the slow presentations that your audience might be accustomed to.

In that location are many more template options for creating a custom Google Slides presentation. Check out more than 30 of our favorites in the article beneath:

Find More Colorful Google Slides Themes on GraphicRiver

Exercise you still desire to run across more options to create a colorful Google Slides presentation? Nosotros've got you covered. OnGraphicRiver, you tin purchase single Google Slides themes.

GraphicRiver'due south library is every bit every bit expansive, but you tin can buy single templates. When yous know exactly what you need to create a nifty presentation, it'southward a cracking option to go on your costs low.

GraphicRiver Colorful Google Slides themes GraphicRiver Colorful Google Slides themes GraphicRiver Colorful Google Slides themes
OnGraphicRiver, source colorful Google Slides themes on a pay-as-you lot-go basis.

Themes in Google Slides give youeven more options to piece of work with the best Google Slides templates. Use those skills combined with GraphicRiver to creatively create a presentation.

At present let'southward swoop into our tutorial on irresolute the colors of themes.

How to Change Colors of Themes in Google Slides

In this section, we'll learn how to change the color of a theme in Google Slides. Don't feel limited to the pre-built designs in your Google Slides template.

We're going to piece of work with a colorful theme for Google Slides from Envato Elements,Colorful Dots. It'southward plenty colorful on its own. But this section will teach you lot how to change the color of the theme in Google Slides toyourpreferences.

Colorful Google Slides theme to change color Colorful Google Slides theme to change color Colorful Google Slides theme to change color
We'll use this colorful Google Slides theme to assistance you learn how to change the colour in Google Slides.

There are four crucial skills to master as you learn how to change the color in Google Slides. Let'south dive in.

1.  How to Change Background Colors on Google Slides

The background might be the single largest element on your slide. Learning how to change the background on Google Slides ensures that you tin set it to the perfect color to friction match your presentation's tone and mode.

Slide backgrounds are typically layers of their own. They might exist hidden backside other objects. The all-time way to change this is by clicking on theGroundworkbutton on the toolbar. Near mod templates support this and go far piece of cake to change the background.

Background button Google Slides toolbar Background button Google Slides toolbar Background button Google Slides toolbar
Change the Background in Google Slides by clicking on theGroundworkbutton in the app.

Now, it'southward equally uncomplicated as choosing a new background color from the pop-upward menu. Choose a colour swatch from the carte du jour or a custom option with the colour-chooser.

Background Color Google Slides theme Background Color Google Slides theme Background Color Google Slides theme
Choose a new color swatch class the pop-upwardly menu to change the background color for Google Slides.

That's it! Yous'll meet your background transform with the new color choice once you clickDone.

Want more than options for amazing backgrounds in Google Slides? Cheque out this article to see templates with the all-time Google Slides backgrounds:

two. How to Change the Color of "Locked" Elements on Google Slides

Hither's a helpful troubleshooting step as you're learning how to alter the colour (of any item) in Google Slides.

Sometimes, information technology seems like y'all can't select a specific object. When you click on it, the app doesn't select the object. What gives?

The respond is likely that this object is on theslide primary.The object isvisibleon your active slide, just it's actually designed on the primary that controls many slides. To edit the slide chief for your Google Slides theme, you'll demand to switch to the Chief view.

Get to theView > Mastermenu. Now, you'll come across a new view that allows you to select objects that may take been locked. Select those shapes, then choose new colour fills from the dropdown.

Colorful dots in Google Slides master Colorful dots in Google Slides master Colorful dots in Google Slides master
Employ theView > Mastermenu to update slide objects that might seem unselectable in the ordinary view.

Once you lot're finished, exit this screen by clickingView > Masteragain.

Slide masters control the design of many slides. Whatever slides that share this chief are affected when you make these changes. Remember this if you can't seem to change the color on Google Slides.

3. How to Change the Color of Text in Google Slides

Text is another of import slide element that you might desire to recolor. And it's super piece of cake to exercise just that!

Highlight text on your slide. Then, click the paint bucket icon on the toolbar. Choose a replacement colour.

Choose replacement color Google Slides Choose replacement color Google Slides Choose replacement color Google Slides
Highlight text and choose a new color from the dropdown toolbar in Google Slides.

That'due south all there is to it. Keep readability in heed by selecting contrasting colors. For instance, use dark text on a light background or vice versa.

If you want a brusque video tutorial to pass along to your boyfriend presenter, check out our quick screencast:

iv. How to Relieve Colorful Themes in Google Slides

The final skill that nosotros'll encompass is how to brand a custom colour theme in Google Slides. If you're going to invest the hard piece of work of learning how to change the colour of themes in Google Slides, it helps to relieve those for future use.

Earlier you start adding thecontentto your Google Slides template, you might desire to salve a copy of it. Afterward you tweak the background color, shapes, and text, accept a moment to save the template.

Use theFile > Make a copycarte option to duplicate your presentation. This gives you a secondary version that you tin can use as a starting indicate. Remembering how to make a custom color set pre-built in a Google Slides theme saves you lot fourth dimension in the hereafter.

File  Make a copy to save theme File  Make a copy to save theme File  Make a copy to save theme
Use theFile > brand a copybill of fare to relieve a duplicate version of your custom Google Slides theme.

Y'all learned how to alter the color in Google Slides with these four primal skills. See fun themes with built-in colour schemes in this article:

Five Quick Presentation Blueprint Tips For 2021

At present that you know how to change theme colors in Google Slides, let's talk about the design of your slide deck. Blueprint is crucial if yous want to make your presentation more memorable. We've got 5 quick tips to help yous pattern a stunning Google Slides deck:

one. Don't Limit Color to Background Merely

The master place to use color in your presentation is the background. You can also utilize colour in shapes likewise as in text to brand your presentation more colorful. Take cues from the Galleria Google Slides template. As you tin can see from the screenshot below, it uses colors in headings and in shapes throughout the slide blueprint.

Galleria Google Slides template Galleria Google Slides template Galleria Google Slides template
Galleria Google Slides template on Envato Elements

2. Get out White Space Effectually Elements

Ensure there's enough white space around individual elements on your slide. This will give your presentation a light and airy feel that makes it easier to focus on the signal you're making with the slide.

three. Ensure At that place'southward Enough Contrast

No matter what color scheme yous decide to utilise, be sure there's enough contrast between the text and the groundwork. Otherwise, your text will be hard to read, and your audience will lose involvement. The Apaya template makes skillful use of contrasting colors to maintain legibility.

The Apaya template on Envato Elements The Apaya template on Envato Elements The Apaya template on Envato Elements
Apaya template on Envato Elements makes it like shooting fish in a barrel to acquire how to alter a theme on Google Slides.

4. Use Animations Sparingly

Animations tin enhance your presentation only it'south also all also easy to get carried abroad and become overboard. Use them sparingly and choose between slide transitions or using animations for dissimilar elements on the slide.

5. Don't Utilize Also Much Text

Don't go overboard with your text either. Remember, your slide deck is supposed to enhance the presentation and help you cover the main points. Don't overwhelm your audience with walls of text. The Uncomplicated Color template is a proficient example of a slide deck with minimal text.

Simple Color Google Slides template on Envato Elements Simple Color Google Slides template on Envato Elements Simple Color Google Slides template on Envato Elements
Simple Colour Google Slides template on Envato Elements - Learning how to modify a theme colour on Google Slides has never been easier.

V Presentation Pattern Trends for 2021

Design trends will assistance you lot go along your presentation looking professional and polished. It'll likewise show that y'all've put great care and attempt into making the best possible presentation on your topic. That's why we're sharing the top five design trends for presentations to keep in heed for 2021:

1. Pastel and Bold Colors Rule the Day

Pastel and assuming color schemes are very trendy correct now. Colorful is only one example of a Google Slides template that uses a bold color scheme. If you're non a fan of bold colors, you can hands change the theme using the steps laid out in this tutorial.

Colorful Google Slides template on Envato Elements Colorful Google Slides template on Envato Elements Colorful Google Slides template on Envato Elements
Colorful Google Slides template on Envato Elements streamlines the procedure of irresolute theme colors in Google Slides.

2. The Utilize of Visuals

About modern presentation templates nowadays include slides that are more visual in nature. This includes using photos, charts, graphs, infographic elements, and other visuals that enhance your presentation.

3. Abstract Shapes

Forget circles, rectangles, and squares. Employ abstract shapes as accents and colorful elements behind your photos or text. This will make your presentation more engaging. The Rastel template is a great template that makes use of abstract shapes.

Rastel Google Slides template on Envato Elements Rastel Google Slides template on Envato Elements Rastel Google Slides template on Envato Elements
Rastel Google Slides template on Envato Elements - Learn how to alter a theme on Google slides with this template.

4. Bold Fonts

Like bold colors, assuming fonts are also trendy right now. This is a good way to make your slide titles and headings stand out and catch the attending of your audition.

five. Total Color Backgrounds

Lastly, don't limit yourself to colorful accents. Exist assuming and stand out by using full-colored backgrounds in your presentation. You tin use a template similar Fancy equally a starting point if you want to brand use of this trend.

Fancy template on Envato Elements Fancy template on Envato Elements Fancy template on Envato Elements
Fancy Google Slides template on Envato Elements - Another option for learning how to change a theme in Google Slides, change colors, etc.

The Best Way to Learn Google Slides

You've already seen a crucial skill to master working in Google Slides: how to change the color of themes on Google Slides. But peradventure you lot notwithstanding want to learn more about how to give a great presentation with the help of Google Slides.

With the help of a few more tutorials, you're well on your fashion to mastering the app. Apply our resource,How to Use Google Slides (Ultimate Tutorial Guide,) you're sure to get a presentation pro.

More than resources are ready to assistance you learn how to apply Google Slides. Here are three of the best tutorials to larn Google Slides:

You've Just Learned How to Change the Colour in Google Slides Themes

At present you've mastered the art of how to change the colour of a theme on Google Slides. Merely maybe you lot're looking for a fleck of inspiration to design your next presentation.

Don't feel limited past the built-in colors of the Google Slides theme that you choose. You learned how to change the color of key elements on Google Slides so that you've got complete command over your presentation.

The templates you lot saw in this tutorial from Envato Elements and GraphicRiver are major resource. And remember, you now know how to change the color in Google Slides of every element. That gives y'all all the creative control you lot need.

Beginning with a template, add your custom colors, and presto! Yous've created a great presentation in less time than ever earlier.

Editorial Note: This post has been updated with contributions from Brenda Barron. Brenda is a freelance instructor for Envato Tuts+.


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